FaithThinking offers a regular opportunity for reflection on issues relating to theology and pastoral practice.

Sessions are led by invited guests who are asked to speak on areas in which they specialise, usually beginning with a short paper or presentation followed by time for discussion.

Our aim is to provide a safe space where we can talk honestly about the questions and challenges of ministry, while also being stretched and informed in our thinking.

All of our events are at the LB Offices in Dock Street and run from 10.30am-12.30pm unless indicated otherwise.

FaithThinking is convened by Trevor Neill (Selsdon BC), along with Aled Jones (Hampstead Garden Suburb Free Church) and Ewan King (Heath Street BC) supported by RM Claire Nicholls

Future Dates:

Thursday 20th March 2025 - Assisted Dying

In November 2024 MPs voted in favour, for the first time, for an Assisted Dying Bill for the UK. The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill would make it legal for over-18s who are terminally ill to be given assistance to end their own life. Christians are divided on this issue, with a range of views from opposition to endorsement, and various scales in between. The chances are that in your congregations there are a diversity of views. The debates continue as the bill makes its way through the committee and report stages before coming back to Parliament. This session will engage with arguments both for and against assisted dying, facilitated by Simon Woodman who has been an advocate for a change in the law on assisted dying.

Revd Dr Simon Woodman is the Minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church and the Baptist Chaplain of King’s College London. Previously he lectured at Cardiff University and was a tutor at South Wales Baptist College. He holds degrees in theology from Sheffield, Bristol and Cardiff universities. Simon is not afraid to mix politics with theology and to push boundaries. He champions radical values and inclusivity while collaborating and engaging widely to bring about transformation.

Wednesday 16th July 2025 - Church in a Time of Culture War

One of the most profound social changes of recent years can be summed up with just two words: ‘Culture War.’ Western societies seem increasingly divided along a variety of fault lines: Brexiteers versus Remainers, environmentalists versus climate change sceptics, mainstream media versus social media… the list goes on, and the discourse becomes increasingly shrill and polarised. As ministers, how can we lead our congregations through such uncharted territory, helping them to think critically and bear witness in such troubled times?

Rev Dr Helen Paynter is Director of Theological Education and Tutor in Biblical Studies at Bristol Baptist College. She is also the founding director of the College’s Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence, which exists to facilitate cutting-edge research in the areas of hermeneutics of biblical violence and the abuse of the Bible in a violent world, and to serve the churches by providing resources in these areas. Helen has a Masters in Missional Church Leadership, another Masters in Biblical Studies, and a PhD in Old Testament. Her most recent publication is Blessed are the Peacemakers: A biblical theology of human violence (Zondervan, 2023).

Thursday 9th October 2025 - Values Led Leadership

All of us in leadership roles will be familiar with the challenge of seeking to cast a vision while also reacting to emergencies or plotting a course through practices and ideas that have been prevalent over may years. How can we lead in a way that is strategic and not reactive, bringing about true culture change in our churches?

Rev Ken Benjamin is Director of Church Relationships at the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity and a former President of Baptists Together. Ken joined LICC in September 2020, having spent over 20 years as senior minister at Chichester Baptist Church. His areas of expertise include how to integrate a whole-life culture into all aspects of church strategy and thinking; how to embed that culture in the church for the long term; and the missional effectiveness of whole-life discipleship.

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Claire Nicholls
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