London Baptist
Property Board

The London Baptist Property Board Ltd was founded in 1906. It was established primarily to help churches finance the construction of buildings and to ‘own’ buildings as custodian trustee on behalf of unincorporated churches across the capital.

Today, we provide a savings and loan facility; charitable advice and guidance; and offer assistance for churches seeking to redevelop or improve their buildings. As custodian trustee we are also here to 'maintain the trusts' of the churches in our care and ensure that churches hold to the principles in their foundation documents.

We hold in trust church buildings, residential property and financial reserves for more than 300 churches. Of these, 250 are member churches of London Baptists.  The remainder are either in membership of another Baptist regional association or no longer member churches of Baptists Together.  

We see our trust company as a core part of London Baptists. Due to the extensive challenges of being a charity in the twenty first century – whilst also carrying the legacy of our past – often our churches struggle under significant pressures. We are here to help!

Our professional advisers (Carter Lemon Camerons LLP and Rapleys) attend our Board meetings and are often involved with churches in the early stages of planning for the future.

The Property Board sees its strategic mission as helping all our churches fulfil their gospel mission through the good stewardship of our resources. Perhaps you’re considering a development or a renewal of your premises - the Property Board would love to hear from you.   If you want help and support with governance issues – the Property Board would love to hear from you.  

The London Baptist Property Board is here to help and support you in your local mission. If you want to find our more, please click on the links below or contact Martin Shaw our Trust Officer via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Governance Support

The London Baptist Property Board is aware that our churches have an ever increasing and daunting list of statutory requirements placed upon them. 

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Meet the Directors

The current Board of Directors is listed here.

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Loans for Buildings

One of the priorities of the Property Board is to support Churches in the maintenance, upkeep, and improvement of their buildings - both Church property itself and associated buildings, such as Manses. 

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Managing buildings and all that comes with them is a complicated business at the best of times. Here are a few immediate responses to frequently asked questions of the Property Board.

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We offer a Deposit Account service to Baptist churches in London.

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